Sooner or Later Someone pays the Price
Author: James Yates
9370 is James Yates’ philosophical comment on life, gleaned from his past experiences and in particular from his vivid memories of his time in the West Australian Police Service.
His stories of events during his tenure as a policeman are uncompromising in his attempt to draw the reader into the reality of what ‘the thin blue line’ are confronted with day by day. The stories, funny and poignant have a certain pulling power, told in a no nonsense manner that enables the reader to sense the adrenalin rush of the chase, cheer when the offenders are apprehended and feel the frustration at the corruption of the wider judicial system and be overwhelmed at the burgeoning crime.
James taps into this frustration in his book by recounting personal battles with his own demons, eventually culminating in post traumatic stress disorder. It seems to ring true that sooner or later everyone pays a price, criminals, prostitutes, bikies, and lawyers, even dedicated police officers.
This book does not end in despair, rather James recounts that his emotional and mental health has been restored, to which I can testify, having known James and his family for the last ten years since leaving the police service. Hope is found by a discovery, through family, friends and a saving faith that the ‘price’ can be trumped by amazing grace.
Hans Van Asselt MA Theology
Senior Minister 1Church

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